Quality Policy

Our company is committed to producing quality and reliable elevator solutions based on customer satisfaction. As a team that works to understand our customers' needs and exceed their expectations, we support continuous development and innovation. Gaining the trust of the society and being a leader in the sector by providing production and service in accordance with quality standards form the basis of our goals.

Our Quality Policy Includes:
Customer Focus: To understand the demands and needs of our customers, to keep customer satisfaction at the highest level by providing quality and safe elevator solutions.

Quality Standards: To adopt ISO 9001 and other relevant quality standards and to continuously monitor, evaluate and improve quality.

Innovation and Technology: To continuously produce innovative designs and solutions by following technological developments.

Training and Development: To increase the level of expertise and skill by supporting the continuous training and development of our employees.

Environment and Sustainability: To produce solutions that attach importance to energy efficiency and recycling by considering environmental sensitivity.

Supplier Relations: To establish trust-based and long-term cooperation with our suppliers and to cooperate effectively in ensuring our quality standards.

Continuous Improvement: To continuously review our processes, products and services and make continuous improvements to achieve better results.

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